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Truck Strikes Tree in Cumberland County Crash


Cumberland County, TN (November 24, 2020) Law enforcement in Cumberland County responded to a car crash on November 24th that occurred on Hinch Mountain Road close to Old Highway 28. The accident occurred when the driver of a Chevy pickup was traveling north and took evasive action to avoid a collision with an oncoming vehicle in his lane. The Chevy’s driver then lost control of the vehicle and struck a tree. Both the Chevy driver as well as a passenger escaped injury. Additional details including what caused the other vehicle to begin traveling in the wrong direction remain uncertain.

The Tree Care Industry Association reports that 6 people were killed as a result of tree-related accidents in 2016 while another 4 were seriously injured. Many of these accidents involved motor vehicle drivers who collided with trees, but there are also countless cases of people losing control of a vehicle because a tree fell on it.

Remember, while nobody might end up liable for the fallen tree, it is also possible that the property owner could be responsible for the crash as the result of negligent care of the land.

Do Not Hesitate to Obtain the Services of a Skilled Attorney

It can be easy to let time pass after car crashes. By doing so, however, you risk losing critical evidence about how your crash occurred. If you wait long enough, the Tennessee statute of limitations might even prevent you from pursuing compensation in a court of law. As a result, it is almost always a better idea to speak with a skilled attorney as soon as possible after a crash occurs. The lawyers at Fox, Farley, Willis & Burnette appreciate the complexities of accident cases as well as the challenges often faced by victims. While you or your loved one focus on recovery, we will remain dedicated to fighting for the results you deserve. Contact us today for assistance.


Note: This post was written based on available resources, news stories, and online reports about this incident. As is often the case with fast breaking news, there is always the risk that some details are still being shared and uncovered. Please contact us if you notice any information that should be changed or added. Thanks!


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