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Tennessee Talcum Powder Lawyer

Johnson & Johnson’s Talcum Powder Lawsuits in Tennessee

Allegations that the chronic use of Johnson & Johnson’s talc-containing products – Baby Powder and Shower to Shower – cause ovarian cancer have spurred numerous lawsuits against the cosmetic company. Women across the country are taking action to hold Johnson & Johnson liable for their negligence. If you have been recently diagnosed with ovarian cancer and used Baby Powder or Shower to Shower consistently for many years, the Tennessee Talcum Powder lawyers at Fox, Farley, Willis & Burnette want to protect your rights. Fill out our form today to request a free case consultation.

The Connection Between Talcum Powder and Ovarian Cancer

New reports have surfaced providing evidence that there is a direct link between the use of talc-containing powders (when applied directly to the genitals or in women’s underwear) and ovarian cancer.

This connection may be reaffirmed by recent reports, but it is not a new discovery; in 1971, scientists in Wales discovered particles of talc embedded in ovarian and cervical tumors, as published in Talc and Carcinoma of the Ovary and Cervix. Since that time, more studies have confirmed the association. In fact, a study published in American Association for Cancer Research concluded that genital use of such powders is linked to a 44 percent increase in ovarian cancer amongst African American women.

Negligence Committed By Johnson & Johnson

Despite these medical findings, as well as warning from Johnson and Johnson’s own scientists that talcum powder may be unsafe, Johnson & Johnson failed to warn women and the general public of the risks associated with applying Baby Powder or Shower to Shower to the genitals. Lawsuits, of which there are hundreds across the nation, filed against Johnson & Johnson allege that the company:

  • Created a defective and dangerous product;
  • Knew of the risks of ovarian cancer associated with the use of the product;
  • Failed to warn of the risks; and
  • Continued marketing Baby Powder and Shower to Shower specifically to women.

Our lawyers can help you to prove that Johnson & Johnson knew of the harm associated with talcum powder use and yet did nothing. The company’s actions, therefore, may be described as not just negligent, but grossly negligent.

Plaintiffs Seek Damages for Harm Suffered

Plaintiffs who have filed torts against the company are seeking damages for the harm that they suffered as a direct result of the company’s negligence. Damages that plaintiffs are seeking include:

  • Medical expenses. The cost of living with and treating ovarian cancer is high. Cancer treatments – which are not always effective – can total hundreds of thousands of dollars. These costs, when combined with the costs of at-home care, prescription medications, and hospital stays, can be impossible for an individual to bear.
  • Pain and suffering. Ovarian cancer, like all cancers, is not a pleasant disease to live with. Plaintiffs are seeking compensation for the value of their pain and suffering, past and future.
  • Funeral and burial expenses. Sadly, ovarian cancer can be fatal. Those who have lost a loved one to ovarian cancer that would not have developed but for the use of a Johnson & Johnson powder have sought damages for the funeral and burial expenses of their loved one.
  • Emotional anguish, loss of consortium, and other noneconomic damages. An individual who has lost a wife or mother to ovarian cancer may seek compensation for a wide range of noneconomic damages, including emotional anguish, loss of guidance and support, and loss of consortium.
  • Punitive damages. Meant to punish Johnson & Johnson for their gross negligence, punitive damages are awarded on a case-by-case basis, and can total hundreds, or even millions, of dollars.

How to Prove that Talcum Powder Caused Your Ovarian Cancer

If you have been diagnosed with ovarian cancer and used talcum powder for multiple years of your life, you may be wondering whether or not talcum powder is the cause of your ovarian cancer. While this question can be difficult to answer, it will be essential to recovering your full compensation amount.

Our experienced attorneys will dig deep to meet with medical experts and scientists, review your health records, biopsy tissues for signs of talc (if necessary), gather testimony of witnesses who can speak to your use of talcum powder, and more. If our researchers believe that your ovarian cancer – or the ovarian cancer of a loved one who you have recently lost – was caused by talcum powder, we will work tirelessly to help you prove it. In addition to medical experts, we also have a highly skilled staff who knows how to handle sensitive data and organize it in a compelling manner.

Do I Have a Case?

Taking legal action when you have recently been diagnosed with a disease as serious as ovarian cancer, or when you have lost someone dear to you to ovarian cancer, can be challenging to do. While we fully recognize the emotional upheaval you are going through right now, we implore you to take action quickly before it is too late. If you are unsure of whether or not you may have a case, the best thing that you can do is to call our offices immediately to schedule a free consultation. During your initial consultation, we can discuss your case, and whether or not pursuing legal action makes sense moving forward. We will never charge you for any upfront costs; whether or not you owe us any money will be based on whether or not your case is successful – if you do not get paid, we do not get paid either.

Ovarian cancer victims have already begun filing lawsuits against Johnson & Johnson, and some of them have already been awarded millions of dollars worth of compensation. The statute of limitations for filing a product liability case is just one year in Tennessee; it is vital that you take action quickly.

To request your free case consultation with Fox, Farley, Willis & Burnette, Attorneys at Law, fill out our online contact form of pick up the phone and call us directly. We are passionate about defending victims against big corporations like Johnson & Johnson that abuse their power and take advantage, often at consumers’ direct expense. Let our talcum powder lawsuit lawyers assist you in this unique case.

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