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Teens likely to multitask while driving

Many Tennessee students who are either learning how to drive or new at driving know that driving while texting is dangerous. However, a report released on March 18 indicated that some teenagers may not be able to identify other distractions, making them potentially likely to drive while distracted.

In the study, 27 percent of the participants self-reported that they drove their vehicles while being involved in other activities. These activities included completing homework, changing their contact lenses and changing their shoes and clothing. While the rate of texting while driving is dropping among teens, many are still driving while distracted because they may not realize that these activities can be just as dangerous as texting.

As part of the study, the researchers set up a classroom-based intervention to help the participants better understand the risks of distracted driving. During the courses, which lasted between 20 and 40 minutes, the researchers had the students hold phone conversations while writing down numbers on a chalkboard. Based on the results, it appeared that the participants left the study with a slightly better understanding of distracted driving. This is particularly hopeful because it was not previously known if classroom interventions were working.

Although more drivers are beginning to understand the risks of distracted driving, many still operate their vehicles while multitasking. If a distracted driver causes a motor vehicle accident that leaves someone with serious injuries, a personal injury attorney may help file a lawsuit against the driver. In most cases, the attorney will assist the plaintiff with estimating the total cost of damages they sustained and negotiating a settlement from either the driver or insurance companies. Usually, a settlement that provides compensation for the plaintiff can be reached; however, in the rare event that no settlement is reached, the case may be taken to trial.

Source: NPR, “Teens Say They Change Clothes And Do Homework While Driving,” Maanvi Singh, March 18, 2015

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