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Tag Archives: Truck accident

2 dead after multi-vehicle accident on the I-40 in Knoxville

By John Willis |

According to reports, two people were killed in a crash in Knoxville that occurred on May 30. The truck accident took place on Interstate 40 near Asheville Highway and involved several vehicles. Reports suggest that lane closures stemming from the crash caused traffic to back up for miles. The crash involved 6 vehicles, including… Read More »

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Hours-of-service rules allegedly ignored before fatal truck crash

By John Willis |

Whenever you drive on the interstate or any other major highways throughout Tennessee, chances are good that you will encounter several semi trucks along the way. Unfortunately, it is also highly probable that some of the truck drivers you encounter will be dangerously fatigued. A recent truck accident in northern Illinois killed a tollway… Read More »

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Why the FMCSA’s truck safety agenda always seems stalled

By John Willis |

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) is the federal agency most directly tasked with ensuring commercial vehicle safety on America’s roads. By extension, it is also tasked with ensuring that the rate of devastating truck accidents which occur annually in the U.S. remains as low as is possible. The FMCSA has been granted… Read More »

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