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Tag Archives: Employer Liability


Is an Employer Liable for an Employee’s Acts Outside of Work?

By John Willis |

Employers in Tennessee are vicariously liable for the negligent acts of their employees. Of course, that does not extend to everything an employee does. The negligent act must occur within the “course and scope” of employment. Check Dispute Leads to Off-Site Confrontation, Lawsuit A common example of vicarious liability is a delivery driver who… Read More »

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Is My Employer Responsible If I Drive Home Drunk and Get Into an Accident?

By John Willis |

In Tennessee law, a person may be held liable for negligent entrustment if they entrust a vehicle to someone who subsequently causes a car accident and injures a third party. For example, if you loan someone your car knowing that person is intoxicated, and that person goes on to injure someone in a DUI… Read More »

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Tennessee Court Clarifies Employer’s Potential Liability in Car Accident Cases

By Brad Burnette |

There are different types of liability that may arise from a car accident. For example, if you are hit by a car, you can sue the other driver for direct negligence. If the driver was operating a vehicle on behalf of his or her employer, you can also sue that employer under what is… Read More »

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Is an Employer Liable for an Employee Injured During a Robbery?

By John Willis |

Workers’ compensation provides benefits for employees injured “in the course of employment.” Obviously, this means an employer is liable when an employee is injured at work. But what about cases where an employee is not at their normal work station or outside the employer’s property? Tennessee courts recognize what is known as the “street-risk”… Read More »

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