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Single Vehicle Accident Occurs on Interstate 40

Cumberland County, TN (October 27, 2020) A single vehicle accident occurred on October 27th around 5:30 AM on Interstate 40 Westbound mile marker 337 in Cumberland County. Due to the accident, the right lane of westbound Interstate 40 as well as the right shoulder were temporarily blocked. Additional details about the accident including what caused it are still uncertain. It also remains uncertain whether anyone was injured in the accident. Motorists who are passing through the area are advised to exercise caution.

So far in 2020, Cumberland County has seen 523 car accidents including 381 crashes involving property damage only, 134 accidents involving injuries, and 8 accidents including fatalities. In 2019, however, Cumberland County saw over 1,300 car accidents.

While some drivers believe that single vehicle accidents are always the fault of the driver, there are actually many situations where other parties play a role in causing these crashes. For example, what might appear to be a single vehicle accident might actually involve a second motorist who fled from the scene. Single vehicle accidents can also be caused by defective motor vehicle parts or vehicles that received negligent repairs or inspections. There are even cases where parties negligently allow animals to cross the road and end up causing lone motorists to end up in crashes.

Speak with a Knowledgeable Tennessee Car Crash Lawyer                 

When Tennessee car accidents occur, victims often are left feeling powerless and uncertain about how to proceed to obtain the compensation they deserve. Do not hesitate to schedule a free initial evaluation with an attorney at Fox, Farley, Willis & Burnette today.


Note: This post was written based on available resources, news stories, and online reports about this incident. As is often the case with fast breaking news, there is always the risk that some details are still being shared and uncovered. Please contact us if you notice any information that should be changed or added. Thanks!

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