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Simulators educate Tennessee students about car accidents

Young drivers are among some of the most vulnerable on the road. For people between the ages of 16 and 24, car accidents are the leading cause of death. Tennessee is currently using cutting edge technology to show students the importance of safe driving and eliminating in-car distractions.

The Tennessee Governor’s Highway Safety Office reports that Rutherford County recently ranked fourth in the state for car accidents involving young drivers. In past years, the same community saw several local teens lose their life as a result of automobile accidents. After the state received a grant in 2013, driving simulators weren purchased as resources for teaching students the importance of roadway safety.

While operating these simulators, students are distracted by being asked to operate a cell phone while they drive. As they place a call or send a text, common obstacles are put in the path of the driver. Glasses used to simulate impaired driving were also purchased as part of the educational program. The goal is to show young people how quickly things can occur if they are not placing their full attention on the task of driving.

Car accidents involving distracted or impaired drivers continue to occur despite efforts to educate the public. In Tennessee, victims injured as a result of another party’s negligent behavior reserve the right to seek financial compensation for their losses. The associated costs of an accident, such as medical and rehab expenses, often place unexpected financial burdens on the injured victims and their families. A successfully litigated claim may provide much-needed assistance to ensure their financial recovery after a costly accident.

Source: dnj.com, Crashes by young drivers rank fourth in Tennessee, Michelle Willard, March 20, 2014

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