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Tennessee Personal Injury Lawyer
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Sevierville Product Liability Lawyer

Nearly 40 million people are hospitalized due to a consumer product, according to the Consumer Product Safety Commission. Everything that we buy, from groceries to automobiles, is a potential source of injury if the manufacturer, designer, or distributor failed in some way to uphold their duty of care to their customers. This duty of care necessitates that the product is designed safely for its intended use and user group. If you were injured by a defective product or a product that did not include proper instructions or safety warning labels, you may be able to receive financial compensation by working with an experienced Sevierville product liability lawyer.

Dangerous Products

Dangerous or defective products may include a child’s toy that causes a choking hazard, a defective tire that blows out on the freeway at 70 miles per hour, an electronic device that causes electrocution or burns, a chair that gives out unexpectedly, a pair of shoes that cause a slipping hazard, an aquarium that shatters under slight pressure sending sharp glass everywhere, and virtually any other product that poses a hazard to its user or other parties. 

Common Injuries Suffered by Dangerous Product Victims

Make no mistake: some defective or dangerous products cause injuries as severe as the most traumatic traffic collisions. Common injuries include:

  • Traumatic brain injury;
  • Spinal cord damage;
  • Second and third degree burns;
  • Whiplash;
  • Choking or suffocation;
  • Lacerations;
  • Contusions;
  • Fractured arm, leg, ankle, wrist, fingers, ribs, or other bones;

Moreover, the emotional damage, including post traumatic stress disorder, depression, and anxiety, can be just as difficult, and longer lasting, than the actual physical injury.

Who is the Liable Party?

In Tennessee, the burden of proof to prove a defect lies with you. Our attorneys are experienced investigators as well as aggressive litigators and patient negotiators. During our investigation, we will analyze the cause of your injuries and how the product caused you harm. There are generally three parties that could be held responsible for the accident, including:

  • The designer – If the product’s design included inherent flaws, the designer may be held liable;
  • The manufacturer- The design may have been solid, but if there were manufacturing flaws, the manufacturer may be held responsible. Often though, the designer and manufacturer are one and the same; or
  • The marketer – If the product is marketed to a user or for use that it is not designed for, the injury may be the fault of the marketer.

Other potentially liable parties include the retailer or the shipping company.

Contact a Sevierville Product Liability Lawyer for Assistance

The average cost of an emergency room visit is nearly $2,200, according to the Atlantic, which does not include additional financial damages such as lost time at work, pain and suffering, future medical bills, and possible disability. More serious injuries can easily rack up over $100,000 in medical costs in just a few days of overnight intensive care. To combat these costs and ensure that you are not left with the bill of the negligent company that caused your injury, you need an experienced Sevierville product liability lawyer with the law offices of Fox, Farley, Willis & Burnette. Call today to speak to a lawyer.

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