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Maryville Distracted Driving Lawyer

Distracted drivers are everywhere. You see them holding up traffic while texting at lights. You see them swerve from side to side as they look down at their phones on the highway. And, you see them tailgating, too distracted to realize they are just a few feet from the car in front. If you were injured by a distracted driver, you are not alone. The Maryville distracted driving lawyers at Fox, Farley, Willis & Burnette are here to help in this time of need. We can help you recover the significant economic and non-economic damages that were caused by the negligent driver who caused the crash.

What Is Distracted Driving?

Distracted driving includes “anything that takes your attention away from driving,” according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). There are three main types of distraction:

  • Visual: the driver takes their eyes off the road. For example, looking at the center screen (the infotainment screen) of a car to adjust the music.
  • Manual: the driver takes their hands off the wheel. For example, the driver takes their hands off the wheel to take a bite of fast food.
  • Cognitive: the driver takes their mind off of driving. For example, the driver is talking to someone on a hands-free device.

An example of a distraction that includes all three forms is texting, which is why it is possibly the most dangerous, yet common, form of distraction that drivers engage in.

Top Three Forms of Distracted Driving

  • Texting—According to the CDC, when a driver sends or reads a text, they take their eyes off the road for an average of five seconds. At 55 miles per hour, this is equivalent to covering the length of a football field, blindfolded. Texting is not just dangerous while moving. Stopped drivers texting at red lights cause dangers to others as well, as they are unfamiliar with their surroundings once they start moving again.
  • Talking on the Phone—While PC0412 makes it illegal for drivers to hold a phone, watch a video or movie, record, or text with a phone, it does not prevent hands free cell phone use for calls. Whether a driver is talking on the phone by holding it up to their ear, or they are using a hands free device, the act of talking to someone not in the vehicle is a major distraction, as it places the driver’s thoughts with that person, outside of the vehicle they are currently operating.
  • Eating or Drinking—Eating food and drinking coffee, water, soda, or any other beverage is generally an accepted act while behind the wheel, but it does not mean that it is safe. Eating and drinking remain one of the most common ways in which drivers distract themselves.

A Maryville Distracted Driving Attorney Can Help

Injured victims of distracted drivers can sue for pain and suffering, property damage, medical expense, and much more. To learn more about your options, contact our Maryville distracted driving attorneys at Fox, Farley, Willis & Burnette today at 865-457-6440 to schedule a free case evaluation.

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