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LaFollette Boat Accident Lawyer

With Norris Lake and many other rivers and waterways nearby, it is no wonder boating is such a popular activity in LaFollette. Spending a day on a boat is one of the best ways to relax and unwind, especially during the summer months. Sadly, some of these trips end with more than just suntans and good memories. Boating accidents do occur and when they do, people are left with some of the most serious injuries.

There are a number of laws that govern boat accident cases. A LaFollette boat accident lawyer can explain what these are, and help you claim the full damages that will cover the cost of your injuries and other losses.

Boat Accidents and the Tennessee Boating Safety Act

The Tennessee Boating Safety Act includes many laws and rules boat operators and passengers must follow. The key provisions outlined in the Act are as follows:

  • It is illegal for boat operators to operate a watercraft while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  • Generally speaking, no one under the age of 12 can operate a boat unless an adult is accompanying them and is also ready to take control if necessary.
  • Any time a boat is operated recklessly and a life, limb, or property is put in danger, the boat operator may face fines and jail time.
  • Boat owners are liable for any damage or injury caused by their vessel, even if they are not present during an accident.
  • All boating accidents must be reported to the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency.
  • Boat operators must provide assistance any time there is an accident.
  • Jet skis and other vessels considered personal watercraft are subject to the same laws as bigger boats.

Any time a boat operator or anyone else violates the law, they can be found negligent and be held liable for paying full damages.

Boat Accidents are Different from Other Personal Injury Claims

Certain elements of boating accident cases are similar to other personal injury claims. For example, you do have to prove someone else was negligent and caused an accident that resulted in your injuries. However, there are different laws and rules that also govern these claims.

An experienced LaFollette boat accident lawyer will know the boating laws, boating insurance, and laws of admiralty that govern your claim. A lawyer will also know how to prove another party was negligent and caused your accident and will negotiate with the insurer to help you claim the full settlement to cover your losses.

Our Experienced Boat Accident Lawyers in LaFollette Can Help with Your Claim

Boat accident cases are some of the most complicated personal injury claims. At Fox, Farley, Willis & Burnette, our experienced LaFollette boat accident lawyers know the important laws that govern your case so you claim the full damages to cover your injuries. Call us today at 866-862-4855 or fill out our online form to request a free consultation with one of our attorneys and to obtain the sound legal advice you need.

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