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Tennessee Personal Injury Lawyers > Knoxville Family & Divorce Lawyer

Knoxville Family & Divorce Lawyer

Providing Strong Representation through Complex Family Law Matters

The Knoxville family & divorce lawyers at Fox, Farley, Willis & Burnette are prepared to offer clear advice and strong representation in contested and high net worth divorce cases, child support and spousal support matters, child custody and visitation issues, and asset and property division. We are experienced lawyers capable of handling even the most complex domestic relations matters in an assured, straightforward manner that works to achieve our clients’ objectives.

Contested & High Net Worth Divorce

The legal process of divorce is more than simply ending a marriage. Divorce is also about the division of parental rights and marital property. It is an emotional time for most people, and always a financially significant event, especially when substantial assets are involved. If a couple disagrees on many or all aspects of dividing parenting time or property, a divorce can become contested, requiring the guidance and representation of an experienced litigation attorney. If you believe your divorce may need to be resolved in court, contact our firm.

Child Support & Spousal Support Matters

In Tennessee, child support payments are determined according to a state child support schedule, which provides guideline support amounts based on the parents’ monthly combined income and the number of children needing support. Once there is an order for child support, an automatic order for assignment of wages goes into effect, so that child support is automatically deducted from the paying parent’s paycheck and paid to the other parent.

Upon divorce, one spouse may ask the court for a lump-sum payment or periodic payments of support from the other spouse. The amount and duration of spousal support payments generally depend on the length of the marriage and the standard of living during the marriage. We can help ensure you come out of divorce with fair child support and spousal support arrangements.

Child Custody & Visitation Issues

In Tennessee, every final decree of divorce that involves minor children must include a permanent parenting plan that designates each parent’s responsibilities and authority, as well as a residential schedule for the child through the entire year. If you cannot agree to the custody and care of your child, a court will step in to assist you in creating a parenting plan, and we can help you obtain the result that is best for you and your child.

Asset & Property Division

Under Tennessee law, marital property is to be divided equitably upon divorce, regardless of whose name is on the title. Courts consider the length of the marriage, each spouse’s contributions to the marriage, the value of each spouse’s separate property, and other factors in determining what is equitable. We can help you protect your assets and financial interests upon divorce, utilizing resources and litigation strategies acquired over decades.

Contact Fox, Farley, Willis & Burnette for Strong Knoxville Divorce & Family Law Representation

If you are facing a contested divorce, contact our office in Knoxville to schedule a consultation. You need strong legal representation to ensure your rights and interests are protected in all matters related to your divorce.

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