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Tennessee Personal Injury Lawyers > Gatlinburg Estate Planning Lawyer

Gatlinburg Estate Planning Lawyer

As time goes on, you may start thinking about the legacy you want to leave behind. Perhaps you know how you want to ensure your family and property are taken care of, but you are unsure about how to put a formal plan into place. Maybe you need help identifying your goals, and the best way to accomplish them. Planning for the future can be stressful, particularly if you have a large estate or a complex family situation. Our Gatlinburg estate planning lawyer can make it easier and ensure your legacy is protected.

Important Estate Planning Documents We Can Draft

A successful estate plan consists of many different legal documents executed by a Gatlinburg estate planning lawyer. These documents work together to make sure you receive the highest level of healthcare and that your rights are protected. The most common legal documents included in estate plans are as follows:

  • Last will and testament
  • Healthcare power of attorney
  • General durable power of attorney
  • Advance medical directives
  • Revocable living trusts
  • Special needs trust
  • Irrevocable trusts

The above documents not only ensure you and your family are protected, but can also help your loved ones avoid the costly and time-consuming probate process. If there are assets that are in the decedent’s name alone, an attorney can also help with the probate process. Issues can arise during probate and a lawyer is of great assistance when resolving them. Regardless of the needs of your estate, our experienced lawyer can handle them.

Why is Estate Planning Important?

While it can be complicated, estate planning can have a significant impact on your future health, your family, and your estate. Many people think that estate planning is only important for those who are wealthy or of an advanced age. That is not true.

Even if you do not have a large estate, it is important to plan for it properly. Without an estate plan, your assets may be at risk and it could also take your heirs much longer to receive any inheritance you intended to leave them. Additionally, if you have children, it is important to plan for their life, too, particularly if they are not yet 18 years old. Your estate plan can also include provisions for your future healthcare in the event that you are unable to make decisions on your own.

Just as it is important to create a comprehensive estate plan, it is just as important that you update it regularly. Any time there is a significant life event, such as a birth, death, marriage, or divorce, you should review your estate plan to ensure it still reflects your final wishes. Even without a significant life event occurring, it is still recommended that you review your estate plan every three to five years.

Our Estate Planning Lawyer in Gatlinburg Can Help with Your Plan

Creating an estate plan is important, but it is not always easy. At Fox, Farley, Willis & Burnette, our Gatlinburg estate planning lawyer can make things much easier by advising on your case and drafting any documents you need. Call us now at 866-862-4855 or contact us online to request a consultation and to get the legal help you need.

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