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Defective dialysis solution leads to 1 death and 2 injuries

Dialysis clinics in Tenessee have recently been alerted to a defective solution produced by Fresenius for dialysis machines. The faulty drug appears to have already caused the death of at least one patient.

These dangerous products were recalled because they had been found to be contaminated with a bacteria called Halmonas. This bacteria, which is usually found in water containing a high concentration of salt, was found growing in samples of Fresenius NaturaLyte Liquid Bicarbonarte Concentrate.

According to a report from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the product has been provisionally linked to two injuries and one fatality. An initial recall went out on April 10, followed by a second on May 1. None of the contaminated solutions have been distributed since April 7. There are 26 centers in Tennessee that have received the drug though there are no reports as to which specific centers may have been involved.

Anyone who has been injured by this defective medical product may choose to take their concerns to court and attempt to gain compensation for their damages. In addition, the surviving family of someone who dies from medication contamination may sue for the harm caused by the loss of their loved one. They will have the option of filing their own lawsuit or joining together with other people who have been hurt or placed at risk and making a class action lawsuit. They may also pursue mass tort litigation, which is similar to a class action lawsuit except that each of the plaintiffs retain their own personal case. Mass tort litigation is more common with faulty medical devices and pharmaceuticals. The preparation of complex filing such as a multi-plaintiff lawsuit can benefit from the advice and legal assistance of a lawyer.

Source: The Tennessean, “Dialysis drug recalled after patient death”, Tom Wilemon, May 29, 2014

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