Category Archives: Mesothelioma

TN Court of Appeals Revives Asbestos-Mesothelioma Lawsuits
It has been well established that exposure to asbestos causes mesothelioma, a deadly form of lung cancer. Many Tennessee workers were exposed to asbestos during a time when it was used extensively in construction and industry. And even decades after the initial exposure, Tennessee courts continue to hear lawsuits against the companies responsible for… Read More »

TN Court of Appeals: Secondhand Testimony Is Not Enough to Prove Asbestos Exposure
It has been well-known for decades that even trace amounts of asbestos in the workplace causes mesothelioma and other serious health problems in exposed workers. In thousands of cases, affected employees and their families have received compensation from employers and manufacturers whose negligence caused the asbestos exposure in the first place. Despite this, there… Read More »

Tennessee Court Overturns $3.4 Million Asbestos Verdict Against Ford
Mesothelioma is a deadly form of lung cancer caused by exposure to products containing asbestos. While great strides have been made since the 1980s in reducing the public’s exposure to asbestos, mesothelioma remains a serious public health problem, particularly because victims may not develop the disease until decades after their initial exposure. And when… Read More »
February 4 each year is set aside to reflect on those we know and love who have suffered from cancer. Today is World Cancer Day. We mourn for those who have been lost to such a terrible disease and we celebrate those that have survived. Above all, we pledge to fight on against the… Read More »