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Car Crash Occurs at Crossville Intersection


Crossville, TN (November 17, 2020) A car crash occurred on the afternoon of November 17th at the intersection of Braun and Webb Avenue in Crossville. Motorists who are passing through the area are advised to exercise caution. Additional details about the collision including whether anyone was injured or killed, the names of the parties involved, how many vehicles were involved, the extent of property damage, and the cause of the collision are still under investigation.

The Federal Highway Administration reports that over 50 percent of the combined crashes involving fatalities and injuries occur at intersections. Driver negligence is one of the most common elements in intersection accidents. Drivers frequently underestimate the time needed to cross the intersection and then in a last minute rush decide to try to beat the light. Other times, drivers roll through stops and continue through an intersection when it is not actually safe to do so. Design defects or maintenance issues can also contribute to intersection accidents and can include things like inadequately marked lanes, missing or insufficient signage obstructed signs, defective traffic lights, potholes, inadequate lighting, or poorly maintained roads.

Speak with a Tennessee Accident Attorney                 

No matter how safely motorists try to be on Tennessee’s roads, it is impossible to eliminate the risk of ending up in car crashes. If someone else causes your accident, it is important to remember that you have a right to pursue compensation. Contact Fox, Farley, Willis & Burnette today to schedule a free case evaluation.


Note: This post was written based on available resources, news stories, and online reports about this incident. As is often the case with fast breaking news, there is always the risk that some details are still being shared and uncovered. Please contact us if you notice any information that should be changed or added. Thanks!

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