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Is Your Expert Witness Really an Expert?

By Fox, Farley, Willis & Burnette |

In any lawsuit, when technical or specialized testimony is needed, your attorney will retain an expert witness to testify as to the technical or scientific facts that the jury has to hear to understand your case. In many simpler injury cases, the only expert for the victim is the victim’s own treating doctor, but… Read More »

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The Science Behind Slip and Fall Accidents

By Fox, Farley, Willis & Burnette |

When someone falls on an object or on a substance, it seems like every case is about the same: there was something on the floor, you stepped on it, and you fell. But there is actually a pretty interesting science behind falls, and it turns out, not all falls are the same, and a… Read More »

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Things Not to Do, After a Slip and Fall Accident

By Fox, Farley, Willis & Burnette |

If you fall inside of someone’s property, your first concern is probably your own health and safety. You will likely be filled with adrenaline, mixed with some fear and panic. It may be hard to sit there and think about what you should or should not do, and it is understandable to make mistakes… Read More »

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Tennessee Dog Bite Laws are More Complex Than You May Think

By Fox, Farley, Willis & Burnette |

Our dogs are our best friends, an animal long domesticated to co-exist with humans. But we shouldn’t forget that dogs are animals, and predator animals at that. That means that they can, and do, cause injury to people, whether by biting or other ways. You can recover compensation if you are bitten or injured… Read More »

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Heart Attacks and Cardiac Events After an Accident

By Fox, Farley, Willis & Burnette |

Imagine this scenario: You have a loved one that is in an accident, perhaps a serious one, and perhaps a loved one that is older or elderly. That person has a difficult time recovering, and spends time in a hospital. His or her condition gets worse and worse, and then, about a week after… Read More »

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Truck Weigh Stations: What Are They and How Do They Keep You Safe?

By Fox, Farley, Willis & Burnette |

You’ve probably driven on highways and seen the signs that announce that a truck weigh station is coming up. And because you likely were not driving an 18-wheeler at the time, you probably gave little thought to that weigh station or to what it is. But truck weigh stations play an important role in… Read More »

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Turn Signals: Color Matters More Than You Would Think

By Fox, Farley, Willis & Burnette |

If we asked you to list all the safety features in your vehicle, you’d probably name the ones that most people think of. Airbags. Lane assist technology. Backup cameras. Crash detection technology. What you wouldn’t name are your turn signals—but you may be surprised to learn that your turn signals actually play a bigger… Read More »

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Don’t Ignore the Seriousness of Lacerations

By Fox, Farley, Willis & Burnette |

If someone was in an accident that said they suffered “a cut,” you may not think much of that—in fact your initial reaction may be that the person got out of the accident without any real serious injury. But saying someone suffered “a cut,” really doesn’t describe the true nature of a serious injury—we’re… Read More »

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Government Warns: Don’t Put Accessories, Add Ons, on Your Steering Wheel

By Fox, Farley, Willis & Burnette |

We all know that although airbags are a safety feature, and one that saves lives, they are still inherently, extraordinarily dangerous items that are just feet away from your chest and our faces. And the danger of an airbag—even when it works properly—has now prompted another warning from the government. Rhinestones on the Wheel… Read More »

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The Signs and Severity of Traumatic Brain Injuries

By Fox, Farley, Willis & Burnette |

Our brains have an interesting contradiction. On the one hand, they are probably our most important organs—the core of who we are as people. On the other hand, when our brains are injured, we may not immediately feel pain. In fact, at first, we may not even recognize anything is wrong at all. And… Read More »

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