Recent Blog Posts

Arguments To Challenge Forced Arbitration
In some personal injury cases, the defendant may try to force you to go to arbitration. This is likely because you signed an agreement saying that you waive your right to a trial, and instead, agree that if there is a dispute (or in your case, a claim for an injury) that you will… Read More »

Products Liability And The Misuse Defense
As a general rule, in product liability cases, manufacturers and retailers are strictly liable for the injuries that defective products that they make or sell may cause. That means that you don’t have to show they knew what they were making or selling was defective, or that they acted carelessly—so long as the product… Read More »

Liability And Damages When Pets Are Injured Or Killed In An Accident
When people talk about pain and suffering and the emotional trauma associated with the death of a loved one, they are usually talking about human loved ones. But what about our animals, and our pets? Our animals are often as much a part of our family, and may be as loved as the human… Read More »

Dealing With Liens In Your Injury Case
When your case ends, and you have agreed to a settlement or you have won a verdict at trial, you probably know that any medical bills that you have that are due and owing, may have to be paid from your settlement. But what you may not have known is that any other third… Read More »

Laceration Injuries: Don’t Take Them Lightly
When people think of the types of injuries that they can sustain in an accident, cuts, scrapes and lacerations aren’t usually the first injuries on people’s list of concerns, in terms of injury severity. Certainly, there are some lacerations that are relatively small or minor. But not all are, and in fact, lacerations can… Read More »

Wrongful Death And Survivor’s Act Claims
If a loved one passes away in an accident in Tennessee, you have the right to file a wrongful death claim. You may already know that. But what you may not know is that when someone passes away after an accident, the selection of a wrongful death act, or a survivor’s act claim, may… Read More »

GEICO Case Shows That Insurance May Cover More Than You Think
In many cases, people are injured, and they don’t sue because of the misconception that nobody could possibly be responsible, or otherwise, because they feel like the wrongdoer may not have the assets or insurance to pay a lawsuit or claim anyway. But a recent case shows that may not be the case. The… Read More »

Don’t Make These Mistakes When Settling Your Personal Injury Case
At some point, if your personal injury case goes right, the other side will make an offer to settle or resolve your case. When and if they do, you may think the case is over. You’re close—it is almost over. But there are still problems that can happen—in fact, many personal injury victims find… Read More »

Benzene In Common Products Leads To Lawsuits
As a general rule, products like sunscreen are supposed to prevent cancer that would otherwise happen from prolonged exposure to the sun—not cause cancer. But according to a class action lawsuit that’s exactly what is being alleged. Aerosol Products Contain Benzene Manufacturer Johnson & Johnson makes a series of skincare and sun protection products… Read More »

How And Why Are Experts Used In Personal Injury Cases?
Let’s say you have a personal injury case that involves some sort of specialized knowledge to prove the defendant did something wrong. This often happens in products liability cases—say, for example, you are injured by a defective airbag. Who will testify how airbags work, and why and how yours didn’t work the way it… Read More »