Recent Blog Posts

Paying Medical Bills After An Accident
If you are in any kind of accident, one of your first questions will be your medical expenses—how will you pay them? It’s bad enough trying to pay your normal life bills, now that you may be out of work for a time as you heal and recover from your injuries. But now you… Read More »

Understanding The Role Of Human Error In Amusement Park Accidents
When someone is injured on an amusement park ride, we just assume that the ride broke, malfunctioned, or that it had some defect. That is the problem in some cases where people are injured on rides. But that isn’t the case all the time. When people are injured at an amusement park or on… Read More »

Stay As Safe As Possible When Using Rideshares
Rideshare services like Uber or Lyft, are now an accepted part of our society, and the way that we get around. They are as much a part of public transportation as buses or trains or subways, in major cities, may be. But Uber or Lyft rides carry their own set of dangers and hazards…. Read More »

Roundabout Intersections Could Be The Key To Reducing Intersection Accidents
When it comes to making traffic and the roadways safer, we tend to put a lot of emphasis on the design and safety features of the vehicle. But what about the road itself? Could there be a way of designing a road—specifically, an intersection—that can make it safer, while still effectively moving traffic? The… Read More »

Why You May Not Feel Injuries At First
When you are first in an accident, people may ask you—and you may ask yourself—if you are injured. You may take a mental inventory of your body and your pain level. There may be a sense of relaxation when everything seems to be moving without pain; you may take that as a sign that… Read More »

The Surprising Lack Of Government Oversight Of Amusement Parks
It seems like every few days, there is another report of an accident or injury at an amusement park. But who is watching over these fairs and carnivals? Who is actually responsible for making sure these fairs and carnivals are safe, or inspecting their rides, or regulating who is maintaining them? You may be… Read More »

What Would A Crash Proof Human Body Actually Look Like?
Are our bodies made to withstand car accidents? Well, we get injured in them, so we know that’s not the case. But how unequipped is human biology and physiology to withstand the forces of a car accident? What would our bodies have to look like, evolve into, or mutate to, in order to truly… Read More »

There Is A Risk When Strangers Walk Into Your Home
Would you let a total stranger into your home? Just unlock the door, and let someone in, with no prior knowledge of who they were, or what their background was? You probably wouldn’t. But in fact, you do this every day, all the time, when you order items to be delivered from online or… Read More »

Issues With Hold Harmless Agreements In Amusement Park Injuries
You likely already know that if you are injured in an amusement park, that the park can be liable for the injuries that the park causes to you. Often the injuries are the same as they would be in or on any typical property such as a dangerous condition being on the ground that… Read More »

Mistakes People Make After Slip And Fall Accidents
If you fall inside a store, or on a business’ premises, it is hard to believe that you can do anything wrong. After all, you are the victim, and are now suffering because of a store’s carelessness. But there are things that people often do, usually innocently, that can hurt their ability to recover… Read More »