Recent Blog Posts

Problems and Difficulties in Motorcycle Accident Cases
If you are in a motorcycle accident you may assume that your case is much like any other accident, involving two (or more) cars. To some extent that is correct—there are obviously some similarities. But in many ways, motorcycle accidents have many different issues, and often difficulties, making them more difficult and complex cases…. Read More »

Liability When Hot Food is Served Too Hot
You probably already know that if the food you order or are served at a restaurant has a foreign object or dangerous item in it, that you can sue for the contact and ingestion of the foreign substance. But sometimes, it isn’t a foreign body or object in our food that causes injury—it’s the… Read More »

Blanket Medical Authorizations: Just Say No
If you are in an accident, and the Defendant or the insurance company for the Defendant reaches out to you, it may sound like that’s a good thing. They may suggest that they will offer you money to help pay for medical expenses, lost wages, or other bills. To do that, however, they tell… Read More »

Road Debris is a Deadly Hazard on the Roads
When you are behind the wheel, you probably look out for other drivers, who may run stop signs, go too fast, or simply drive recklessly. But what you may not look out for, is debris in the roadway, a danger that is ever present, and which causes more car accidents than you may think…. Read More »

What Happens if You Accept a Money Offer at the Scene of Your Car Accident?
Let’s say that you are in a car accident. In your mind, you know what is coming: police, insurance companies, and although you do want and may need compensation for your injuries, the thought of getting an attorney and making claims just seems like a lot to handle. Then the other driver, realizing his… Read More »

The Role of Your Shoes in Slip and Fall Accidents
If you fall, you can expect that to some extent, the other side—the party responsible for your fall—will point the finger at you, and say that you are in full or in part, responsible for your own fall. They will say that you should have seen what it was that you fell on or… Read More »

Who is Liable When the Condition of a Road Causes an Accident?
When we get behind the wheel of a car, our main concern when it comes to avoiding accidents, is other drivers. We simply can’t control what other people do, even if we are super responsible drivers. But there’s another element of driving that we also can’t control, which plays a big factor in driving… Read More »

More and More, AI is Being Used to Evaluate Cases, and Predict Case Outcomes
When you have a personal injury claim, you generally expect that you, your damages, your injuries, and your case, will be fairly evaluated by human beings. That includes both the attorneys representing you, but also the attorneys and adjusters on the other side of your case, making legal decisions about the defense of your… Read More »

Should You Accept a Structured Settlement in Your Case?
In personal injury cases with significant damage awards, victims may find their attorney discussing a structured settlement with them. These are often proposed by Defendants as a way to settle cases. But what is a structured settlement, and how does it affect you? What is a Structured Settlement? Structured settlements are basically settlements where… Read More »

Motorcycle Accident Statistics Don’t Look Good
When you look at accident statistics, it seems like all of them are increasing over the previous years even despite a shutdown in 2020 because of COVID. Pedestrian accidents, car accidents and trucking accidents are on the rise, but there’s another category of accident that’s on the rise, and has been for many years:… Read More »