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Recovering Damages for Pre-Existing Injuries

By Fox, Farley, Willis & Burnette |

Let’s say that you are injured in an accident. Through your personal injury attorney, you make a claim with the insurance company or to the liable defendant. Your attorney contacts you and says that your claim is being denied, because you have what is called a pre-existing injury. What is a pre-existing injury, and… Read More »

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Crumple Zones: Why Car Damage in an Accident Can Make the Accident Safer

By Fox, Farley, Willis & Burnette |

How many times have you seen or driven by what looks to be a very bad accident—the cars in the accident just look like they have been devastated. The front end of the vehicles are all crushed in, and you think that must be an indication of the horrible nature of the accident. Well,… Read More »

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Privileges and Confidentiality: Here’s When and to Whom it Applies

By Fox, Farley, Willis & Burnette |

You are probably aware of attorney client privilege. This is the doctrine that makes everything that you say or write to your attorney, and everything your attorney says or writes to you, absolutely private, privileged, and confidential.  Nobody can ask you or your attorney what either of you said to or told each other…. Read More »

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Knee Airbags May be a Big Failure

By Fox, Farley, Willis & Burnette |

When we think of a car’s safety features, we think of airbags. And you may already know that airbags in our cars are everywhere—in way more places than they used to be, many years ago. Side, and passenger airbags are pretty commonplace now. But did you know that there are also airbags lower down—at… Read More »

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Shock After an Accident Can be Deadly

By Fox, Farley, Willis & Burnette |

If you are injured in an accident, the injury itself is usually the first priority. But there is another, perhaps more dangerous, secondary condition, that can potentially kill people after an accident: shock. Shock after being injured in an accident is common, and it is something that accident victims and those around them need… Read More »

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Improperly Stacked Shelves Can Cause Items to Fall on Victims’ Heads

By Fox, Farley, Willis & Burnette |

When you go onto store property, and you look out for dangers, it is natural to look down. That is, to look at the ground to see if there are wet spots, objects in the walkways, or anything else that could cause a fall hazard. Many people don’t think to look the other way—upwards…. Read More »

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There are Different Ways to get the Evidence That You Need

By Fox, Farley, Willis & Burnette |

When you start a personal injury case, one thing is certain: In almost every kind of case, at the very start, the Defendant has more evidence about the case than you do. That doesn’t mean you’re going to lose, or that the evidence is bad for your case—it just means that they have the… Read More »

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Getting Damages and Making Claims When You are Run off the Road

By Fox, Farley, Willis & Burnette |

When you are in a car accident, you probably expect that at some point, there is or was, an actual impact—that is, that one car will actually hit another. But what about a situation where that doesn’t happen—where one car forces you off the road, or forces you to collide with an object, but… Read More »

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You Could Have a Problem if Your Car is Too Damaged in an Accident

By Fox, Farley, Willis & Burnette |

There is a bad situation for people in car accidents, who may be facing financial trouble. You may well be so injured that you cannot work. But even if your injuries don’t completely stop you from working, something else may: not having a car, if your car was damaged in the accident. What About… Read More »

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Disney World Ride Wasn’t Defective-But it Did Cause Injury

By Fox, Farley, Willis & Burnette |

Every day, people ride the coasters and rides at Disney World. And while statistically, the park, like many others, is safe, that doesn’t mean that accidents don’t happen. A recent example was a horrific accident that happened at one of Disney’s parks—this one was a water park. The Ride Wasn’t Defective What makes this… Read More »

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