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Author Archives: John Willis


Can the Defendant in My Personal Injury Case Have Me Followed?

By John Willis |

A personal injury case is not simply a matter of proving the defendant’s negligence. The plaintiff must also demonstrate to the court–i.e., the jury–how the defendant’s negligence injured them. The defendant, in turn, will try to minimize or reject the extent of the plaintiff’s injuries in an attempt to avoid liability. Surveillance Video Defeats… Read More »

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EndDD.org is Proud to Announce the 2017 “Friends Don’t Let Friends Drive Distracted” National Video and Meme Contest!

By John Willis |

$8500 in prizes plus concert tickets. Nationally recognized judges. Deadline March 31st. #DistractedDriving #EndDD SADD Nation American Association for Justice Anapol Weiss Governors Highway Safety Association National Safety Council Philadelphia Eagles enddd.org/2017-video-contest/   Save Save Save Save

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How Does a “Household Exclusion” in My Car Insurance Policy Work?

By John Willis |

Many Tennessee auto insurance policies contain language known as a “household exclusion” or “family exclusion.” The purpose of such language is to prevent a person from seeking insurance benefits following a car accident caused by another household or family member. In theory, this prevents “collusion” among family members who might seek double-recovery under two… Read More »

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Am I Insured If I Am in an Accident Driving My Employer’s Truck?

By John Willis |

Dealing with insurance companies can be maddening, especially after you have been in a car accident and seek to recover benefits under your policy. Insurance contracts are carefully drafted to minimize the insurance company’s liability. This means that even if you think you should be covered, the policy (and the law) may state otherwise…. Read More »

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Can I Sue My Employer If I Am Exposed to Dangerous Chemicals at Work?

By John Willis |

Many Tennessee workers are exposed to hazardous working conditions, such as toxic exposure to dangerous chemicals, and develop significant medical problems as a result. Such workers may be entitled to workers’ compensation or civil damages through a personal injury lawsuit. A key to collecting damages, however, is proving that an employee’s injuries were actually… Read More »

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When Is a Child Legally Responsible for His Injuries?

By John Willis |

In any personal injury lawsuit, the defendant may attempt to shift blame to the plaintiff by presenting evidence of the latter’s “comparative negligence.” But what if the plaintiff is a minor? How do Tennessee courts assess the comparative negligence of a child? Applying the “Rule of Sevens” The answer is a legal principle known… Read More »

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Is My Employer Responsible If I Drive Home Drunk and Get Into an Accident?

By John Willis |

In Tennessee law, a person may be held liable for negligent entrustment if they entrust a vehicle to someone who subsequently causes a car accident and injures a third party. For example, if you loan someone your car knowing that person is intoxicated, and that person goes on to injure someone in a DUI… Read More »

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PetSmart Pays $4.25 Million After Selling Defective Fishbowls

By John Willis |

Defective consumer products injure thousands of Tennessee residents every year. In many cases the defective product is not a complex item like an automobile or a product with known risks like prescription medication. Even a simple product–such as a fishbowl–can seriously injure a consumer. Retailer Cited for Failing to Comply With Recall Rules The… Read More »

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Can Online Retailers Be Held Accountable for Selling Dangerous Products?

By John Willis |

During the holiday season, many Knoxville residents turn to online retailers to purchase gifts for family members. While most Internet retail purchases are perfectly safe, there are cases where a dangerous or defective product is sold. When that happens, and a consumer or their gift recipient is injured, the retailer may be liable under… Read More »

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Can I Seek Damages if an Accident Aggravates an Existing Injury?

By John Willis |

If you are injured in a car accident, you have the right to seek damages from the negligent driver. Damages include any medical bills incurred as a result of the accident. But what if a car accident merely aggravates a preexisting injury? Can you still recover damages even though the accident may not have… Read More »

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