Author Archives: John Willis

Is Video Enough to Prove (or Disprove) a Driver’s Liability for a Car Accident?
We live in an age where just about everything we do can be recorded. In addition to our smartphones, which are essentially portable recording devices, many police departments and businesses now employ dashboard cameras to record constant video of highway activities. This can prove useful in the event of a car accident, although video… Read More »

Dealing With Medical Malpractice Following a Motorcycle Accident
Motorcycle accidents often leave its victims with catastrophic injuries. This is understandable, given that motorcyclists lack the same physical protections as car and truck drivers. This means that a head-on collision can easily leave the motorcycle operator paralyzed–or dead. Appeals Court Rejects Amputee’s Lawsuit Against Hospital Of course, whether a motorcycle accident victim receives… Read More »

FDA Puts a Stop to Sale of Unapproved “Skin Whitening” Products
Many Tennessee consumers are misled into purchasing dangerous drugs and defective medical devices by false labeling. Unscrupulous manufacturers and sellers may claim a drug has been scientifically tested–or even have the endorsement of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)–when that is not the case at all. When such medically unsound products are allowed… Read More »

Johnson & Johnson Asks Judge to Throw Out $417 Million Talcum Powder Verdict
Juries throughout the country continue to find a credible link between the use of talc-based powders and ovarian cancer in women. In August, for instance, a Los Angeles jury held talc manufacturing giant Johnson & Johnson liable for a plaintiff’s ovarian cancer and ordered the company to pay $417 million in damages, which included… Read More »

Tennessee Court Rules Gun Owner May Be Liable for Suicide Victim’s Death
Most gun-related deaths in the United States are suicides rather than homicides. According a 2015 report in the New York Times, “More than 60 percent of people in this country who die from guns die by suicide.” In addition, a majority of successful suicides are committed using a gun. Given these sobering figures, it… Read More »

FDA Warns EpiPen Manufacturer Over Repeated Safety Violations
Medical device manufacturers are eager to collect billions of dollars in profits from the sale of their products. But when something goes wrong with a device, these same manufacturers can be slow to take remedial action. Even after a recall and a followup investigation by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), a defective medical… Read More »

Is a Designated Driver Liable for a Drunk Passenger Who Falls Off of the Car?
One of the best ways to avoid an alcohol-related car accident is to have a designated driver. Making sure there is at least one sober, responsible person in your social group can help ensure that everyone gets home safely. But what happens when a drunk passenger is injured during that ride home? Can the… Read More »

Knoxville Restaurant Faces Trial Over Partially Melted Bag of Ice
Knoxville and Clinton-area business owners are responsible for keeping their premises in reasonably safe condition for customers and other invited guests. When a business has “superior knowledge” of a hazard that might lead to injury, there is a duty to warn customers. If the business fails to give such warning and the customer is… Read More »

California Jury Orders Talcum Powder Manufacturer to Pay $417 Million to Ovarian Cancer Patient
Although Johnson & Johnson, the world’s largest manufacturer of talcum powder, still denies there is any link between its products and ovarian cancer, juries throughout the United States continue to side with victims and their families. On August 22, a Los Angeles jury ordered Johnson & Johnson to pay over $400 million in damages… Read More »

Is a Property Owner Liable for a Malfunctioning Automatic Door?
In personal injury claims brought against property owners, a plaintiff must prove the existence of a “dangerous or defective condition” that caused their injury. The condition itself must have been caused or created by the property owner, or the owner must have had actual or constructive notice of the condition. In this context, “constructive”… Read More »