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Author Archives: John Willis

When Is It Too Late to File for Workers’ Compensation?

By John Willis |

If you are injured on the job, it is important to promptly notify your employer and, if necessary, apply for workers’ compensation benefits. Under Tennessee law, a workers’ compensation claim is barred unless it is brought within one year of “the accident resulting in the injury.” However, there are cases where an employee does… Read More »

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Time Is of the Essence in Tennessee Medical Malpractice Cases

By John Willis |

Medical malpractice is often difficult for a victim to discover. The effects of a physician’s negligence may not be immediately obvious, and in many cases, a patient may not learn about the problem until years after the fact. This can pose a challenge when filing a medical malpractice lawsuit. Under Tennessee law, a patient… Read More »

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Is an Insurance Company Obligated to Pay a Personal Injury Judgment?

By John Willis |

A personal injury lawsuit often involves a number of complex legal issues. For instance, even after a plaintiff has clearly established the defendant’s liability and proven he or she is entitled to damages, that often leads to the question of who will actually pay the award. Defendants often have insurance policies to cover personal… Read More »

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Will Tennessee Hold Property Owners Liable If They Establish “Gun Free” Zones?

By John Willis |

The Tennessee General Assembly recently convened its annual legislative session. Each year brings a chance for legislators to consider new laws governing matters like personal injury. And if one state senator gets his way, some Tennessee businesses may soon face a unique form of liability if they choose to keep their premises free of… Read More »

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Tennessee Judge Says Contractor Not Liable for Defect in Army Helicopter

By John Willis |

Product liability is usually associated with events like car accidents, where a defect in the manufacturer’s design either causes or aggravates a victim’s injuries. But what about cases where a person is injured while operating a vehicle designed and manufactured for the government? A recent decision by a federal judge in Tennessee addressed such… Read More »

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Federal Bailouts May Complicate Defective Product Claims Against Automakers

By John Willis |

Car accidents are often the result of defects in the design or manufacturing of a vehicle. While automakers can (and should) be held liable for such defects, victims and their families must often overcome a number of legal obstacles. For example, the recent bankruptcies of General Motors and Chrysler have complicated a number of… Read More »

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How a Directed Verdict Can Affect Your Personal Injury Lawsuit

By John Willis |

Judges are sometimes quick to dismiss a personal injury lawsuit that has merit. Even when a case proceeds to trial, a judge can still bypass the jury and order a “directed verdict.” A directed verdict is itself an extreme remedy which should only be employed when a judge, after hearing all of the evidence… Read More »

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Tennessee Court Upholds $200K Accident Judgment Against County

By John Willis |

Under normal circumstances, a person can be held liable when they fail to follow traffic rules and a car accident results. For example, if you run a red light and collide with another vehicle that was obeying the traffic signal, the law presumes you are at fault for the accident. But there are exceptions… Read More »

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Can I Collect Insurance if My Spouse Injures Me in a Car Accident?

By John Willis |

Tennessee law requires all drivers to carry a certain level of insurance coverage. Among other things, such insurance must cover at least $25,000 for “bodily injury” to one person in a car accident, or $50,000 if two are more people suffer such injuries. This only covers injuries sustained by other people, not the insured… Read More »

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Do Not Let a Strong “Work Ethic” Deter You from Seeking Workers’ Compensation

By John Willis |

Many workers are injured on the job and yet fail to file a workers’ compensation claim, often because they think the injury is not that severe, they are afraid of losing their job, or they simply have a strong work ethic. Unfortunately, many employers take advantage of these honest employees by denying valid workers’… Read More »

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