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Author Archives: Brad Burnette

Greene County Ferris Wheel Accident Highlights Safety Risks of Amusement Rides

By Brad Burnette |

During the summer months many Tennessee parents took their children to fairs and amusement parks looking for a good time. In particular, children enjoy amusement rides such as ferris wheels and roller coasters. But such rides can also pose a significant risk to the health and safety of children—as demonstrated in one recent tragic… Read More »

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Universal Life Policies And Flexible Premium Adjustable Life Policies

By Brad Burnette |

We are continuing to develop a new theory involving life insurance contracts, specifically Universal Life policies and/or Flexible Premium Adjustable Life policies. Many life insurance companies are engaging in abusive accounting practices that demand policyholders substantially increase their cost of insurance, monthly deduction, or premium payments, oftentimes more than doubling the payments required to… Read More »

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Does Using Baby Powder Cause Ovarian Cancer?

By Brad Burnette |

Millions of mothers use talcum powder—generally marketed under the label of “baby powder”—to treat diaper rash in their infant children. Talcum powder is also used by mothers on their own bodies, typically through application to undergarments and private parts, to cool down their groin area and mask vaginal odors. Manufacturers of talcum powder, notably… Read More »

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Can I Lose Workers’ Compensation Benefits for Not Following Safety Rules?

By Brad Burnette |

If you are injured in the course of your employment, you have the right to seek workers’ compensation benefits to cover your medical care and lost wages. But there are certain restrictions that apply to employees under Tennessee’s workers’ compensation system. For instance, an employer does not have to pay workers’ compensation if an… Read More »

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Do Tennessee Jails Provide Inadequate Mental Health Care?

By Brad Burnette |

If you are charged with a crime and detained while awaiting trial, you still have certain basic constitutional rights. The Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution states that no state may deprive a person of “life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.” Federal and state courts have interpreted this Due Process Clause… Read More »

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Was “Star Trek” Actor’s Death Caused by Defective Vehicle?

By Brad Burnette |

There has been a notable increase in the number of recalls issued by car manufacturers in recent years. Unfortunately, just because a recall is announced, that does not mean that defective vehicles are fixed right away. Even with strict oversight (and massive fines) from federal regulators, manufacturers continue to allow defective products on the… Read More »

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What Constitutes “Negligence” In a Tennessee Car Accident?

By Brad Burnette |

If you are injured in a car accident, you might assume that the driver is legally responsible just because he or she admitted hitting you with their vehicle. But under Tennessee law, negligence requires more than this. A successful personal injury claim has several elements, each of which must be satisfied in order for… Read More »

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Should Company Executives Be Criminally Liable for Employee Deaths?

By Brad Burnette |

According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), 4,821 employees throughout the United States died on the job in 2014. Thousands more suffered serious injuries in the course of their employment. While many of us tend to write these statistics off as simple “accidents,” the truth is that many employers are negligent with… Read More »

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What You Need to Know About Kids and Swimming Pool Safety

By Brad Burnette |

Each year hundreds of children die in swimming pool and spa accidents. Many thousands more suffer serious injuries. Pool safety is therefore never optional. Even a non-fatal drowning accident can cause traumatic brain injury to a child. In many cases, swimming accidents are the result of negligent maintenance by pool owners or defects in… Read More »

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How Location Affects a Personal Injury Lawsuit

By Brad Burnette |

When it comes to a personal injury lawsuit, the location and circumstances of the injury often play a critical role in deciding what law applies to the case. Tennessee workers’ compensation law, for example, deals with injuries sustained by employees that occur in the scope and course of their employment. There are also special… Read More »

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