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Monthly Archives: November 2022


Mistakes People Make After Slip And Fall Accidents

By Fox, Farley, Willis & Burnette |

If you fall inside a store, or on a business’ premises, it is hard to believe that you can do anything wrong. After all, you are the victim, and are now suffering because of a store’s carelessness. But there are things that people often do, usually innocently, that can hurt their ability to recover… Read More »

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What Happens When Property Owners Try To Delegate Duties–And Blame?

By Fox, Farley, Willis & Burnette |

If you have young children, you probably know what they often do when they are blamed for something. They put the blame on someone else. They point the finger at anybody they can find to try to escape being the one held responsible for an action that you may be angry about. Many times… Read More »

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Open And Obvious And Comparative Negligence Defenses In Premises Liability Cases

By Fox, Farley, Willis & Burnette |

In any type of accident, including a fall on someone’s property, a Defendant can say as a defense that you are partly responsible for your own fall. That is, that you were negligent by failing to care for yourself, avoid what you fell on, or that you otherwise did or didn’t do something that… Read More »

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Safer Cars Sustain More Damage In An Accident? Can That Be Possible?

By Fox, Farley, Willis & Burnette |

If you are in a car accident, there will be damage to your car. When people see a lot of damage to a car after an accident, they often think “that must have been a serious accident.” Likewise, when looking at damage to a car that is relatively minor, many people’ s initial thoughts… Read More »

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